2018년 2월 12일 월요일

Seoul Namsan Trail

Trail times was made for 11:20 ~16:20 hours on January 27, 2018. Trail Course was from Hanyangdoseon=>Biak Beom Monument=>Patriot Ahn Jung-Guen Monument=>Namsan Pagoda=>N Tower=>Sowolgil=>Outdoor Botanical Garden=> Pine Tree Park=>Baek Beom Plaza which was total 13.7km and 5 hours including break during trailing. It was highest temperature -3.5oC and lowest -15.9 oC which was very cold and chilly whole day even day time below freezing.

There is no specific indication at Namsan Trail Course from where to where since about 15 access road to Namsan in Seoul. Anybody is always to choose any convenient access road to Namsan taking into individual transportation situation. I would not introduce these all access road and just simply introduce Seoul Station Route which many people could easily approach Namsan by subway. I took Subway Line 1 and got off at Seoul Station and exited through No. 11 where you could see Namsan and N Tower right after Exit 11. I smoothly turned right to Three Way Junction, Huamdong and turned left at the Junction to Hilton Hotel Three Way Junction. I turned right and heading to Hanyangdoseong road. I took a photo for Hanyangdoseong and its description. This Hanyangdoseong is Seoul castle for control in and out people as well as protect enemy at the war which contains four main gates, South, North, East and West and four smaller sub-gates. I climbed up the Namsan Hill for a while after Hanyangdoseong and met wide plaza where Baek Beom Monument sands up. As briefed at the photo, he was one of brave political leader who was to fight for independence against Japanese during Japan governing Korea. I moved up for a while again and found Patriot Ahn Jung-Guen Monument who was to assassinate Ito Hirobushi, Japanese Great Political Leader. I walked smoothly down where Seowol Poet Memorial Stone is and Climbed up Namsan Trail Road where shuttle buses are running. If someone would not like to walk the Namsan Summit by walking, they could take the shuttle bus running up the summit and downhill. You could meet three way junction after about 25 minutes walking on this road where you could go the Namsan Plaza and Pagoda. You could see stone stairs at right after left turn where to climb up the Pagoda and Plaza and reaches Namsan Summit Plaza where Namsan Pagoda and Namsan Tower are. It was so long time I have been there at the Namsan Plaza, I could not assumed around when and so impressive for lot changed Seoul City which I looked down at the Namsan Summit. But Pagoda was only one which seemed no changed and same as old times. When I looked around, I saw Beacon Site which was not before and took a photo and found another interesting one which consisted of so many colorful promising lock as you see at the attached photo. Young couple usually promised their love each other and locked the Locker steel bar or pipe and throw away the key so that anybody can unlock the Lock. Namsan is 265m above sea level which is not so high but so widely known to most Korean that any Korean would know Namsan from wherever they come. Old name of Namsan was Inkyungsan which means to bring happy occasion. I walked down through Trail Road and met Seowol Road land mark at left and down to wooden stairs where passed through pine forest. It was very quiet and sound because of less people used to take the road. I thought it was a best chance to take break and sack which I brought from home and enjoyed the break without any disturbance. I returned to Trail Road and slightly climbed up the road and found land mark at right heading to Outdoor Botanic Garden and followed to down the direction. There are Ecology Park at left when reached downhill Ecology Swamp where many animals like frog, birds and even firefly habitat at left. I found after the Ecology Park exclusive Trail Land mark as well as yellow ribbon which is for only indication for the Trail Course which is a less possibility creating confusion interpreting correct direction since only one for trail course. I walked following land mark and yellow ribbon for a while and reached three way junction with only yellow ribbon indication, no land mark. But I choose right direction and heading to the Outdoor Botanic Garden through pine tree forest and met three way junction land mark indicating to left direction. You could meet the three way junction again directing to right and then some movement you could see Botanic Garden at left. But there was nothing except completely frozen somewhat lager pond. I took a photo this pond and moved about 10 minutes and found three way junction again and turning left to Pine Tree Park where different species of pine tree from each province in Korea. I realized pine tree is not the same as others species like color, freshness, height and so on. I passed the Pine Park and headed to Mineral Water Spring where snow are on the road without melting because of shadow area and continued up to Bigger Paved Road Three Way Junction after climbed up last wooden stairs just before this Bigger Three Way Junction. I walked South Tail Course so far up to the Bigger Junction. When I turned left at the Junction, I would enter into North Trail Course and met Shilla Hotel at right after 10 minutes walking form the Junction and found branching to National Theater of Korea when some move forward. When continue move 15 minutes and 30 minutes after Shilla Hotel view, you could see Pildong Exit and Chungmuro Exit respectively. When you walk further 10 minutes and 20 minutes from Chungmuro Exit, you could Korea House Town Exit and Seoul City Education Research (SCER) respectively. When you meet three way Junction at SCER, you should turn left and move right to Hoheondang and meet BeakBeon Plaza where you start to trial today and back to Seoul Subway Station Exit 11.  

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