2017년 11월 2일 목요일

Bukhansan Trail Course 15 and 16 -Seoul, Korea

October 25, 2017 from 11:30 to 16:00 hours. Total distance is 7.6 km (Ahngol Road 4.7 km and Boroo Road 2.9 km) and taking 5 and half hours for these two Courses. I finished last Course 14 "Sannuemi Road" at Ahngol where I walked extra 3 km after I finished the Course 14 since no public transportation connection to this small remote area, Ahngol and should walk the same  route to Ahngol Gate bearing extra 3 km walking. I started to enter Course 15 "Ahngol Road and passing through the forest pass about one hour after the start and met medium scale Neighborhood Park where there are tennis court, soccer field, badminton court, resident rest place  and so on. I took a lunch at this park under fresh and clean air and good mood around the park and continuously started to next Course 16 "Boroo Road" where I met many people trailing the Course. I thought this course is probably more well known to the people than other Courses. As see at the Picture, there is small valley stream falling down from the Mountain at almost finishing point of Course 15 and crossed the stream through the stepping stone bridge as you see at the picture. I thought for a while I might enjoy this so outstanding and nice mood and rest for a while at this so nice location but could not afford to accommodate this idea because  my schedule is too tight to stay there for some rest. Beautiful round stones are used to make step Stairs in Boroo Road where I felt some different feeling from normal wood stairs when I stepped up to Course Road and naturally time by time felled down to contemplation. Course 16 is scheduled to end at Wondobong where I took Subway line No. 1.

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