2017년 11월 3일 금요일

Bukhansan Trail Course 17 ~ 19 - Seoul, Korea

October 27, 2017 10:30 ~ 14:00, total distance is 9.7KM (Dalakwon Road 3.5KM, Old Dobong Road 3.1KM, Bangbaedong Road 3.1KM) and taking 3 and half hours. I dropped at Mangwolsa Stop at Subway Line 1 and walked Course 17 " Dalakwon Road" through normal village road for about 1 hour and reached Dalakwon Area. Dalakwon is old name of wellknown Inn where dealer were staying and trading their commencial stuff carring from country area andtaking back with some otther stuff which they could buy at their country. YMCA is now running bigger Camping business at this Dalakwon area. There was Red Warning saying " Keep Trail Course. D'ont deviate the Course because Army Firing is Not Far". I could fortunately not hear any firing sound or noice when I pass the road. I was entering soon Course 18 "Old Dobong Road" where I met quite and neat forest pass as I usually pass at the Bukhansan Trail Course. It seems this Course 18 is widely known to people in view tha I met more visitors trailing this Coursec than those at other courses so far. I was hradly took a photo due to many visitors. I felt my footstep is unusually energitic and faster step speed than normal step speed at other Courses. There are KNPS Support Center and 911 Support Center at almost finishing Old Dobong Road and three temples like Kwangrunsa, Neunwonsa and Dobongsa just before Course 19 " Bangbaedong Road. There might be some background the reason why three temples are positioned at this short and narrow area, excelent location as per traditional topography. I quickly took a look these three temples and passed through Course 19 "Bangbaedong Road" and met View Point where twin tower are connection each other and took moutain view as attached photo herein.  I came down and looking for proper place for my lunch. There are three flat table where normally floor sitting and take rest as well as taking a lunch. But no table available and no proper space for my lunch. I tried to see possible space sharing with some oheres and finally excussed to share some room at the same table. I met so great and excited to meet a couple who I met at Course 6 and took a lunch at the same dining table in fact sharing the table. I did neither know their name but also their phone number, no communication channel. But what a possible I could meet these couple without any communication.  We exchanged how each team finished which Course and some stroy at impressive Course and put comments as we could possibly meet again somewhere at other Course since I continue other Course and they do the other, very less chnace but expect to meet again.

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