2017년 11월 17일 금요일

Namyangju Dasan Road Course 2 and 3-Yang Ju, Korea

Nov 3, 2017 10:00 ~14:00 hours. Total distance is 15.43 km and taking about 6 hours. I took a mind combining Course 2 and 3 since each Course is too short to cover one day Trail, Course 2 is 3.4 km and 3 is 4.03 km. I reviewed each Course and found each Course is connected to Course 1 and there should not be any difficulty and problem in view of total distance 7.43 km and expecting time is about 4 hours. I moved to Woongilsan Train Station by car because I will start the Woongilsan Station and return to the same Station. When Left the home, it was raining and getting a bit heavier during my driving to Woongilsan. I was wondering how I will do if raining continues and heavier even after I arrive at the Station. But I checked Weather Forecast saying it is raining in the morning only and stop afternoon before I left the home and decided to believe the Forecast. When I arrive at the Woongilsan Station, it was no raining as Forecast said. I headed to the Course 3 Start straightly after arrival. It usually takes about more than 2 hours by public transportation, subway. But it took only one hour a bit more by car so that I could save more than half an hour on one way which comes round way more than one hour. I reached Course 3 as calling as "Bird Singing Road" after 20 minutes walking from the Station and found there were two different road sign which is somewhat hard to interpret these two different road sign. Therefore I decided to check the Naver Map with mobile phone showing the complete Course and moved to follow the course map walking along side Jeoahn Stream. I could not find any sign or road indication for about half an hour where to go the Course 3  and eventually found land mark Course 3 "Bird Singing Road" at the Bangah Bridge and continued to follow the small path through Saewol Bridge where Jeoahn Village 2 Assembly Hall. I turned left at junction point heading to Seonwangdang Hill where I took a so nice picture showing colorful trees, red, yellow and green as you see at the attached photo. This is a boundary between Jeoahn 1 Ri and 2 Ri. I walked Jeoahn 2 Ri so far with some effort finding road connection and finally heading to Jeoahn 1 Ri through the Hill where completely different style and atmosphere from Jeoahn 2 Ri. there were many and proper Road Sign with simple information or indication. They some times introduced not only Road Sign but also introduction of some historical story or legend at the Village. I was wondering how these two Villages are so different character and style.  I continue to walk the Course with such good image and suddenly surprised to meet so rough and aggressive dogs moving around road and felt sacred when I went through the road. I therefore shouted and called dog owner for taking care the dogs. He replied "My dogs won't bite. Don't worry" I answered "Please take the dogs and hold" But he did not hold white dog slowly following and baking. I eventually and fortunately passed the dog area without any problem. I went on the Course after Jeoahn 1 Ri Village and came across Pet Training Center and thought there might be possible reason between previous Village and this Pet Center. I rejoined Course 1 after passed under the  Bongahn Great Bridge and saw and met Paldang Dam where I took a so delicious, relax-able and comfortable lunch sitting near to the Dam on the rest chair that I felt at that time there is no envious thing in the world. I extended to walk to Dasan Road Course 2 calling as Dasan Road where very well going with Paldang Dam Wetland. It should make you reminded  some unforgettable and memorial story when you walk the small path with reed and silver grass at village lower hill closer to Dam. This road is connected to Dasan Park at Dam where there are many artificial things for visitor's eye entertainment. But I was not so interest in such artificial things at the Park area and could not find attractive image or view at the Park, no photo at the Park. I carried on to Majae Pilgrim Area where I could see Neungnae Old Train Station when I walk over the Majae Hill and connect to the Course 1 leading to Woongilsan Train Station.

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