2018년 12월 2일 일요일

Korea Traditional Fruit is also Super-food - Information

Korea Traditional Fruit are Korea tangerine, Korea citron, Korea Pear, Korea apple, Korea melon, Korea apricot, strawberry, plum which contains healthy nutrition and effectiveness.
It has been long time ago introduced to our dining table as a super-food that imported blueberry is anti-oxidation rich fruit and imported orange vitamin C rich fruit. But Korea traditional fruit are well enough to perform such healthy supplementary effectiveness as imported fruit performance. Most people could not realize these traditional Korea Fruit because they are so easily and closely available. If you take these Korea traditional fruit all, those will be super-food effectiveness or performance like imported fruit.
Distance and time are the most important condition that we could really enjoy natural fruit as they are. Whenever you try to take any fruit producing near to consumer area at right season, you could take an opportunity to take delicious fruit which will give you best and excellent effect after enjoyment
1.     Korea Tangerine
Tangerine is inclusive of vitamin A ten times more than orange which is containing other useful vitamin for anti-oxidation like vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. As you take the tangerine, you could feel fresh and recovering from tiredness or fatigue. It is a typical difference between tangerine and orange, you could comparably easy eat nutrition rich inner shell at the tangerine, while you would somewhat hardly eat inner shell at orange. There is hesperidin at tangerine inner shell, anti-oxidation which will also help for vitamin C absorption and make capillary strong so that helpful for recovering capillary disease. There is additionally white string at the inner shell which is vegetable fiber rich and helping digestion improvement  
 TIP : It has been introduced as best season for enjoy the tangerine is a cold season at winter since vitamin C is more rich at tangerine harvesting at cold times than vitamin C at early harvested tangerine.  Please pick up tangerine looking shine and elasticity which should be fresh, when you select good and fresh tangerine. It is recommended tangerine storage at ambient condition and consume as quickly as possible. Most people keep tangerine at refrigerator and sometimes take them for long time. If you store the tangerine at the refrigerator for long time, tangerine lose moisture during the storage.
2.     Korea Citron
Vitamin C content at the Korea Citron is 1.5 times more than that at lemon. We strongly recommend you eat both, shell and flesh since nutrition content is rich high both at shell and flesh. There are beta carotene rich, anti-oxidation at the shell and also calcium rich high for strengthening human born. Additional content is citric acid rich which is one of organic acid and helpful for boosting metabolism and playing a role for discharging bodily waste.
TIP : As indicated at above table, there are high content nutrition at inner shell in Korea citron like riboflavin and beta carotene which is hard to directly eat due to so bitter. If so, you could prepare citron with citron jam. Please cut citron with suitable size and add sugar or honey and tightly sealed and finally keep it under cooled area for about 3 months. You should carefully clean external shell of citron before the cut. It is recommended you would better swamp at boiled water for about 2 minutes or sometime you could clean with diluted vinegar. When you choose a good citron, please pick up no damaged citron on the external shell and not dried core and shell. You should smell citron and confirm unique citron favor.
3.     Korea Pear
Korea pear is Kallium rich, 170mg per 100g which is helpful for improving blood pressure and playing a good role for discharging natrium at the body. There is additional content of enzyme like protease at the pear which is helpful for digestion process. When you eat the pear, you could feel crunch which is due to water solubility fiber or cell which would simulate large intestine good for constipation. There is additional anti-oxidation content so calling as polyphenol which is playing role for protecting from active oxygen attack at the body. Please take the pear before polyphenol’s oxidation after peel off.

TIP : It is the best and good pear there is obvious light yellow brown color, no remaining   green color at the surface which shows bigger round shape and so thinner peel that looks like flesh promptly soaring out whenever touched. Please individually wrap each piece with wrapping plastic and keep in the refrigerator at clod air condition like lower level.
4.     Korea Apple
It is true if you eat apple in the morning since there is a pentene, one of dietary fiber which simulate large intestine for somewhat boosting secretion of gastric juice and smooth discharge. The pentene would also play a role of pulling down level of cholesterol and blood sugar at the body. There are remarkable other useful content both at the flesh and the peel like retinol, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin which is helpful for purifying blood and strengthening the blood circuit.
TIP : When you select good apple, please choose fresh cored apple which is not dried core and brittle. It would be spending logger time after harvesting, no fresh if apple core is so dried and brittle. As you gently hit by finger, you should hear sound like Taeng which is similar to sound at light metal hit and also check elasticity of apple peel with ellipse shape. Redder is better at the color of apple peel.
5.     Korea Strawberry
Health effectiveness and performance at Korea Strawberry is not lower than that at imported berries like blueberry or cranberry and especially content of vitamin C at the Korea Strawberry is 8 times higher than blueberry and 6 times at cranberry which Kallium content is also 2 times higher than that at the blueberry and cranberry. There are anti-oxidation content at the strawberry like lycopene and anthocyanin coloring red at the strawberry. The lycopene is playing role for improving immune system and strengthening blood circuit which would be effective for antiaging. The anthocyanin is helpful for anti-cancer performance and somewhat effective for improving eyesight..
TIP : When choose a good  strawberry, please pick up any strawberry with undried core and holding with fresh green cor. Color of good strawberry is fresh and shiny red color spreading uniformly all over strawberry. Please avoid to take any strawberry having course shape, especially showing out-coming seed on the surface of strawberry. As you wash or clean the strawberry, please clean and wash with core in order to prevent from possible vitamin C leakage to the water. You should not keep the strawberry at the water long time preventing from any vitamin C leakage to the water.
6.     Korea Apricot
Beta carotene is 3 times higher than that at the mango which is exceptionally higher rich beta carotene than any other fruit. Particular performance of the beta carotene is to protect any damage on the body due to active oxygen attack which would be affective against skin aging and fatigue recovery process. It is particular apricot taste that you feel sweet and sour which is related with organic acid for possibly improving constipation.
TIP : When you selct a good apricot, please rick up any apricot having uniformly orange color with any scratch or damage on the peel. You should keep the apricot at the refrigerator as soon as you buy in order to prevent from any possible softening. Please keep stayed at the refrigerator more than a week. Apricot is a fruit having vitamin A rich while vitamin C poor. Therefore you are recommended you would take other vitamin C rich fruit together like tangerine when you take an apricot to making balance between vitamin A and C.
7.     Korean Melon
Korean melon is helpful for pulling down body heat and supplementing folic acid which is very high rich Kallium 3 times higher than melon at the same plant group. This Kallium is helpful for discharging natrium which is related with blood pressure down. This melon is classified as cold food according to oriental medical theory which is playing a role of pulling down body heat at hot summer season. There are grape sugar and fruit sugar at the melon that could be effective for recovering weakness and fatigue and also could do something for easing thirst at hot summer season. If you like to take folic acid similar to vitamin B, please take the melon with seed core together since folic acid content higher than that at the flesh at the melon. There is additional content of cucurbitacin which is effective for anticancer and detoxification at the liver and high rich at t the peel. If you want to take it, you have to make a melon juice including complete melon peel.
TIP : When you select good Koran melon, please pick up not bigger than adult’s blow fist since bigger Korean Melon used to take tough flesh. Please also check color of Korean melon and pick up shiny yellow and thinner, soft and smooth peel surface. Please don’t take Korean melon with dried core which is keeping fresh and melon flavor.
8.     Korean Plum

Korean plum is good for detoxification and protection performance at liver which is outstandingly high rich citric acid for helping fatigue recovery. The citric acid is to dispose lactate closely relating with fatigue or tiredness and to discharge them to outside body because picric acid is major role for detoxification and protection at the liver. There are additional content at the Korean Plumb like catechin acid and picric acid which are helping for large intestine’s activeness or movement solving constipation as well as diarrhea at the same time.

TIP : As you pick up a good plumb, please choose bright green color and size of each plum is uniform and hard without any scratches. Please don’t take raw plum as it is if you have  weak stomach because strong acid at the plum would be harmful for your stomach. If so, you could arrange to process the plum like plum jam or plum tea or plum pickle so that you could take plum effective performance as well as enjoying delicious plum.  

Korean Apple

Korean Apricot

Korean Citron 

Korean Strawberry

Korean Melon

Korean Plum

Korean Pear

Korean Tangerine

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