2018년 7월 10일 화요일

Which one is the best Kimchi? How to Select? - Information

People has now days been living in comfortable circumstance thanks for science development. People had been old days eating much soured old Kimchi with all most plugging nose due to so soured smell. But we could eat fresh Kimchi at any time which we could take at the Kimchi preserving refrigerator as almost the same as just fresh regardless season or stored period as we made right now. This kimchi could be preserved all the year round as fresh as properly and suitably ripened and also maintaining fresh as it is. I am going to explain what makes best Kimchi at first part and how to select the best Kimchi at second part.  
1.   What makes the Best Kimchi? How to Control the Temperature?
Kimchi should be mainly ripened depend on ambient temperature as soon as it is prepared. Content of lactate and PH shall be gradually increased according to time passing which is turned from lactobacillus to lactate in accordance to time consuming. We could divide Kimchi fermentation process as primary, optimum, overdone and acidification which are made with fermentation time. It is the best Kimchi which is at the stage of optimum process. There are three factors which we have been applying for sensorial clarification of the best Kimchi, firstly chewing feeling of Kimchi cabbage as crisp, secondly properly soured taste and thirdly freshness fell remaining in mouth after eat. As we scientifically clarify, the best Kimchi is PH as 4.5 and lactate contents as 0.6 ~ 0.7%.

2.   How to Select the Best Kimchi?
2-1) Chew Feeling as Crisp
The chew feeling as crisp shall be depend on seasonal temperature and from where in the country. We could generally say Chines cabbage growing at higher elevation in the country would be the best that take principally affect taste of kimchi. Size of cabbage should also one of important factor, not too big and not too small.
2-2) Salted Seafood (Jeotgal)
Jeotgal made with salted shrimp or salted yellow corvine or salted anchovies liquid have been normally used at Seoul style Kimchi. While Jeotgal made with salted guts of hairtail or salted sand eel liquid or salted anchovy has been normally used at Jeolrado province style Kimchi. Therefore individual should choose which one depend their taste or hobby.  

2-3) Quantity of Kimchi Mix
Kimchi mix should be made with various sub materials which shall sidely affect Kimchi taste which should be sufficiently mixed with main material, Chines cabbage. If you use various kinds of sub materials and enough quantity, taste of kimchi shall be unique and going well together when it is optimally ripened.  .
 2-4) Level of Hot Taste
Seoul Kimchi is ordinary used less red hot pepper powder than Jeolrado Style Kimchi which looks redder in general. There is way to dry red pepper by drying machine or by sun drying.
The latter red pepper should be normally better than machine drying. Red color of dried red pepper by machine is somewhat dark red while the color dried with sun light red. Therefore we have to check this point before buy and also choose which style depends on individual hobby or taste style.

2-5) Ripened Stage
As explained above article 1, ripened stage is important factor for optimum taste which should be ripened under certain condition for proper times. Kimchi ripened for 3 weeks under 4 ~ 8 degree C which make best taste and higher nutrition.

2-6) Status of Kimchi Liquide
Quantity of Kimchi liquid should well enough for sinking the Kimchi so that Kimchi taste could last long without changing taste. There is an easy way making additional Kimchi liquid with starch paste which makes Kimchi quickly ripened and going well together with other materials.  


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