2018년 7월 17일 화요일

Do You Want Delicious Jeonju Bibimbab ? - Information

There are various different Bibimbab according to location in Korea which has been developed and localized depend on their each atmosphere and products. For example Jeonju Bibimbab is slightly different from Jinju Bibimbab even they are located within same province. They are principally same but cooking with beef leg bone broth and more bean shrouds use in Jeonju Bibimbab. We could not so easily and simply which one is what difference. Anyway I will briefly introduce Jeonju Bibimbab here this time. There is behind story of Bibimbab why and when they introduced to people at Jinju Fort Castle which was surrounded and attacked by Japanese (35,000 solders) infiltration in Joseon Dynasty on June in 1593 and final feast dinner with residing people inside the Castle since they would surrender to Japanese next day. They were running out necessary bowel or dishes for final feast. Therefore they decided to mix all in one bowl with vegetables and sauces and ingredients. This has been introducing as mixed rice as Bibimbab. 

1.   Select Steamed Best Rice for Bibimbab
It is recommended as a best price for steamed rice which has less sticky, higher
elasticity and bigger size comparing to ordinary steamed rice most Korean tended
to eat every day at home. But steamed rice shall be different from this ordinary rice
which it keep the shape of steamed rice after mixture with other ingredients
and source. Followings are some standard introduction to people as guidance.
1-1)      How to Select Good Rice  
It is an important thing you should select a good rice not only which is opaque white color and shining but also which shape is plump shape and uniformly sized. It should not give out bad smell with old staying rice. You would better check the date of when they polished rice and select rice polishing as closing as present.
1-2)      How to Prepare Foreleg Broth
You first of all have to select a good cow foreleg for the preparation of best foreleg broth. Good foreleg bone shall consist with minimum cavities at cut phase of foreleg which means close density inside bone and which color shall be milky white color at the surface. If this color turns out as yellow, this foreleg is not fresh or long time passing after slaughter. You may buy foreleg bone 3 kg, other bone 2 kg for 4 to 5 personnel.  
l  Please keep sunk foreleg bone and other bone together for 3 to 4 hours with cold water in order to remove blood inside the bone. You should regularly change cold water to new cold water with one hour interval.
l  When no more blood resolved at the cold water, you should keep sunk these bones with cold water mixing with Soju containing about 20% alcohol for half an hour in order to remove typical cow bone sell.
l   You could now preliminarily boil these bone with enough new water boil for 20 minutes to remove impurity inside bone which is not removed under cold water soaking and throw out these preliminary boiling for completely removing possible remaining impurities inside bone. But you should keep all bones and carefully wash with cold water, no drop anything during this washing.
l  You could now enter real cooking as 2nd stage for boiling these bones for 4 hours. Please take out this broth to proper ware and pour new cold water to bone pot and boil for another 4 hours as entering into 3rd stage. You should mix 2nd stage broth with 3rd stage broth as soon as finished 3rd stage boiling works. We could filter this broth with cloth or sieves for collecting solids like bone particles or some tendon or meat particle and so on.
l  You should keep this broth at refrigerator for some times and could find fat deposited on surface. Please remove this fat with proper tools like spoon.
l  You could now prepare cooking liquid mixing foreleg broth one cup and water (half cup ratio. We call this is cooking liquid for Bibimbab steamed rice
I think you might be hard to prepare good foreleg broth at home in accordance with 
above procedure. You could then alternatively buy readymade foreleg broth at
supermarket which would possibly be closer to this quality level.

1-3)      How to Cook the Rice
You should keep the rice well sunk with water for half an hour in summer and an
hour in winter and take it on proper mesh for removing water on the rice. Please
cook selected rice with cooking liquid at one to one volume ratio. If you use multi
grains, you should add more cooking liquid by 30% in volume.

If you use electric rice cooker, you could simply follow instruction according to
Instruction manual. If you use rice pot, you should cook under high temperate
heating for 10 minutes and would see rice pot looking just over flow and then
drop down medium temperature heating and keep it for 5 minutes. When external
cooking liquid at pot looks subside, you should turn down low temperature heating
and keep it for 10 minutes. Please turn off cooking after that and mix rice regularly
inside rice pot and keep it for 5 ~ 10 minutes more. Thereafter you could pleasantly
help yourself.      

2.   How to Prepare Good Bean Red Pepper Paste for Bibimbab
 Bibimbab could be deliciously mixed with pure bean red pepper paste without any ingredients or additives. But you could remarkably upgrade this taste with some ingredients. If anybody want refreshed feel without bean red pepper flavor, they have to use following premium bean red pepper paste.

# Mixing process
1)    All materials shall be mixed together but bean red pepper paste and cider at first. You could pour mixed one to suitably big bowl and remix remaining one to one time by one time.
2)    As soon as finished mixing works, you should properly add bean red pepper paste and cider to each bowl taking into account original ratio sated above table. 
3.    How to Prepare Row  Beef  Sashimi
You should for 4 personnel prepare meat (250gr), half piece of pear and ingredients as soy sauce 1 full spoon, sugar 1 normal spoon, chopped green onion 2/3 small spoon, chopped garlic 1/2 small spoon, black pepper 1/4 small spoon, roasted sesame 1 small spoon, sesame oil 1 full spoon and some salt. It is the best thing you have to buy real fresh meat (top round cap off) which is containing less fat and soft meat. When you buy the meat, you may ask butcher to slice the meat in 3mm thickness and 5 cm long. Please keep this meat with bowl matting with paper kitchen towel for removing blood for 10 minutes at refrigerator, more or less freezing.
You could prepare seasoning with above all ingredients as well mixed together. Please slice the pear 3mm by 3mm. Please take out freezed sliced meat with this seasoning which is to use. .      
4.    How to Prepare Various  Seasoned Vegetables
.There are five ingredients which we normally use for the preparation of seasoned vegetables like soy source, salt, grinded sesame, chopped garlic and green onion. You could easily buy these ingredients at supermarket.. Following vegetables could be changed depend on area in Korea taking into account local vegetables.
l  Spinach ; You would better choose spinach with dark green healthy color leaves and  with red color root rather than yellow green leave with soft touch feel. This spinach is more delicious and sweet juicy.. When you boil the spinach, you should be careful for over wilt because of over boiling. Please just parboil spinach with boiled water containing one tea spoon salt. You pick up this parboiled spinach and keep on basket for proper time to drop the water and gently press with hand to remove remaining water.

l  Balloon Flower Root ; You buy balloon flower root at the market and slice it in 5 cm length and parboil it with salt water for some time and roast it with oil which remove burning taste at balloon flower root. You could mix it with ingredients during roasting. If you want to use this root under fresh, you should rub the root with coarse salt for several times to remove burning taste. You could mix it with proper ingredients and red pepper paste which comes with sour and sweet taste.
l  Bracken;    There might be only Korean folk who east bracken at world. Bracken has toxicity which is very weak against heat. Therefore you could easily remove with boiling process. Please preliminary ingredients on boiled bracken and keep it for half an hour and roast it with oil and keep in warm for a while to make it soft as well as to soak all ingredients to bracken..
l  Bean Sprouts;   You should parboil bean sprouts with boiled water containing one tea spoon salt. Please uniformly stir bean sprouts for uniform cooking at that time. You should pick all bean sprouts as soon as you feel it is properly parboiled and wash out with cold water 2 ~3 times so that it could maintain fresh and crisp. Please keep the bean sprouts for certain times to drop water at bean sprouts and gently press with hand for removing some remaining water. You could uniformly mix with hand this bean sprouts, soy bean source, salts and other ingredients.   
l  White Radish; White radish is best season in winter for best taste when most Korean prepare Kimchi for winter. Please slice the radish in 5 cm long and vertical direction as shape of slim finger chip and keep it with salt for some times and roast it with pan.
l  Green Pumpkin; You should preserve sliced green pumpkin with salt for some time and press it with hand for removing water. Please roast it with oil on pan and mix with boiled sesame and sesame oil.
l  Shiitake; You should sufficiently keep soaking dried shiitake at warm water and remove bottom at shiitake. Please slice and roast with oil and with ingredients.
l  Sliced Fried Egg;  Please prepare fried egg in thinner layer in separation between yolk and while and slice it in about 5 cm long.
l  Jellied Mung Bean;  You should buy jellied mung bean at supermarket and slice it in 5cm long.
5.    Final Preparation of Jeonju Bibimbab
You should prepare final Jeonju Bibimbab putting rice at bottom and put topping with above various seasoned vegetables in circular and dropping seasoned raw meat Sashimi at center core and putting yolk on the Sashimi as shown at photo attached. But please service the Bibimbab in separation with bean red pepper paste so that each person could mix this paste according to each person
s hobby

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