2018년 7월 26일 목요일

Gochujang (Red Pepper Bean Paste) Pork Belly and How to Make More Delicious - Information

Gochujang Pork Belly (GPB) has been widely and commonly known to Korean as an easy and simple recipe which you could cook at home or outdoor. As explained below, it is the best key how to choose a good port belly first of all and next how to cook on which heating source. You could easily select the best pork belly and cook on chat coal which oak tree flavor soaking to GPB during the cooking process in reference to  http://kyuwonlee.blogspot.com/2018/07/koreans-mouth-water-just-looking-pork.html and recipe as a material : Selected pork belly : 600gr.
1.   How to Choose the Best Pork Belly
Please refer to the relevant Article 1 at the Blogger for the selection of the best pork belly.
2, More Delicious Seasoning
There are many ways to prepare seasoning for best GPB. But I personally recommend following is one of the best recipe which you could enjoy the best GPB.
2-1) Seasoning Preparation
Gochujang (Bean Red Pepper Paste); 3 spoons, Fermented Plumb; 3 spoons, Soju (21% alcohol drink), Soy Source; 1 spoon, Starch Syrup; 1 spoon and Chopped Garlic; 1 spoon. Please stir these seasoning materials well uniformly and keep it aside.   
2-2) Ripening
Please put uniformly on above seasoning to every pork belly layer by layer and keep it to refrigerator for ripening sometime half day or full day. You could of course cook the seasoned pork belly without ripening process. But taste is acceptable but not so great.

3.  Cooking GPB

3-1) it is the best way you cook the GPB on grill with chat coal fire which flavor of chat coal is properly soaking to GPB during the cooking process. If you do not have such charcoal grill, you would use cooking grill running by gas or electric and/or proper cooking pan with gas range or electric range. The cooking pan made by heavy stone pan or heavy iron is better than aluminum cooking pan.
3-2) when you cook the GPB, you should take care GPB for optimum cooking level, not too well-done and not too rare. Color of the pork should be light red without any black burning residue. It is the key to cook to maintain juicy liquid of pork during the cooking works, not drying or burning. Some people used to cook the GPB folding with aluminum foil to avoid possible burning during the cooking.   
3-3) Vegetables should be prepared for folding the GPB and ingredients like lattice, onion, green onion, chines cabbage, raw garlic and so on which you could add or less depend on your hobby. As you know, garlic would be useful for transferring pork nutrition to human body thanks for allicin and chives help for fat disposition.    .  
3-4) if you properly add mineral salt, black pepper and herb on the GPB before the cooking, this will help more delicious taste as well as some role for removing pig smell
4.  Finished and Serving GPB
You should prepare sliced green onion which is bottoming of GPB on the serving dish as see at the Photo. This will boost your taste as well as toping on GPB folding with vegetables and others.

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