2018년 6월 1일 금요일

Gyeonggi Kimpo Munsusan Climb in Korea- Ridge Course - Hike

1.     Date and Time : June 1, 2018 11:0~15:00 (4 hours including break one hours).

2.     Location : Kimpo at Gyeonggi Province in Korea.

3. Distance and Course : About 6.91km. Course is to start Munsusan Parking Lot =>Octagon Pavilion=> Munsusan Summit (376m Altitude) => back to Munsusan Parking Lot.

4.     Access :

There is various ways to connect Subway Line No.2 which you are supposed to change to Express Bus No. 3000 at Shincheon Station Bus Stop ID:13-022 referring to map of “Change Subway Line 2 at Shincheon Station to Bus Stop 13-022 Shincheon Ogueri”. Please stay with the Bus for passing 33 times bus stops with 49.6km and get off at Seongdong Geommunso Bus Stop after about 2 hours. As soon as arrived at the Bus Stop, you should take a walk for 21 minutes with 1.39km distance referring to the map of “Walking from Seongdong Geommunso to Munsusan Salimyeokjang Parking Lot”. I could estimate total transportation is about 2.5 hours for one way which comes total 5 hours for round trip. Please take reverse course on your way back home. But take Bus No. 3000 at other side of the Gangwha Road”. But you would reduce this transportation time to 3 hours for round trip in case you use private car or rent car which you could save two hours for the transportation. 

4.     Overall Remarks.

Munsusanseong has been started to erect for the protection of Gangwha Island by Gangwha Governor as per instruction by the King of Sookjong in 1682 and finished in 1694, 12 years construction period. There was a severe and bloody war at this Munsusanseong against French attach from Oct 26 to Dec 17, 1866. French Army was completely withdrawn due to disastrous defeat in the battle. But they stole Kyujanggak on the way back home which is recorded for Korea King’s Writing like instruction or judge or notice or poet or any others.

Munsusan Mountain is situated at near boarder to North Korea which is less than 70km. As you climb up the Munsusan Summit, you could see North Korea territory very closely under normal or good visibility. I was lucky to ascend the Summit under good visibility which I could clearly see North Korea today. You would see color difference between South Korea and North Korea, the one green and the other brown which is mainly due to fuel problem in North Korea. North Korea is mainly using wood as fuel but South as gas or clean diesel.

As introduced at the Photo of Gyeonggi Kimpo Munsusan Climb Course, There are several climb courses to ascend the summit. I picked typical course which people mostly take for climb, going up the ridge at right and reaching the summit through comparably mild slope ridge and downhill through valley road on the way back after touchdown the summit. Please see more details at the Course map attached.    

5.     Detailed Course Information

As soon as parked at the Munsusan Parking lot, I moved to four Way Junction where I could select the Climb Course, either through Ridge at Right or through valley at middle. I turned right at the junction and started to climb the hill at right where I could see so beautiful scenery of Gangwha Island. I reached junction at ridge after about 5 minutes walking and took so nice picture for the Gangwha Island and several fishing boat at the middle of Han River. When I kept walking up the hill through oak tree forest for about 40 minutes, I found landmark saying 1.7km to the Summit. I saw better view of Gangwha Island and fishing bouts at the Han River and took a one more shot under pulling close picture. It seems this picture would be more clear and obvious than before. I continued to move up for about 20 minutes alongside Munsusan Seong and met next landmark saying as 1.2km to the summit. There was an observation Point at the middle of climbing road which I could see clear view of road along with the Castle. I found Explanation of Munsusan Seong Story somewhere at middle of course road which they explained as all most all stone is made with rectangular and different shape and principally 13 layers at the wall. They were maintained and repaired depend on situation and times.

Please see more details at the Explanation Photo. I passed 1.2km Landmark after 15 minutes walking form previous landmark and kept on ascending for 10 minutes more walking and reached the Landmark-400m to the summit. I walked through oak tree forest for about 10 minutes and saw so beautiful Summer House on top of the summit and took it to photo on the way up. As I move up for 3 minutes more, I found next landmark saying as 100m to the summit and continued to walk up the hill for about 10 minutes more, I finally touched down the Munsusan Summit -378m altitude after passing forest hill and last stairs to mountain top. I was fortunately getting chance to take so clear picture for North Korea Territory which would be less than 70 km, just crossing Han River or Imjin River. Please see North Korea is located at the other side of these rivers as you see at the photo. I tried to return Munsusan Parking Lot as soon as I finished reviewing North Korea Territory and moving down to Munsusan Parking Lot via Octagon Summer house on the hill about 1 and half an hour walking from the summit                 

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