2018년 6월 3일 일요일

Gyeonggi Gapyung Yeoniensan Climb in Korean- Woojeung Ridge to Yeonien Ridge - Hike

1.     Date and Time : April 4, 2018 10:00~17:00 (7 hours including break one hours).

2.     Location : Gapyung at Gyeonggi Province in Korea.

3.         Distance and Course : About 11.95km. Course is to start Gusudang Parking lot (Mailri) => Woojeung Gogae => Woojeung Bong (Peak) => Yeoniensan Summit (1068m Altitude) => Jeonpae Gogae => Woojeung Gogae and back to Gusudang Parking lot (Mailri).

4.     Access :

There are various ways to the Dong Seoul Bus Terminal where you could use subway or bus or taxis depend on your situation. You could take intercity bus there at Dong Seoul Bus terminal which takes about one hour to Cheongpyung Bus Terminal. You should change the Bus to Local Bus connection with bus line No 32-17 which take about 70 minutes to Misa 2-Ri Bus Stop. You should walk from the Bus Stop to Gusudang for 10 minutes with 606m distance. Please refer to the map of “Transportation from Dong Seoul Bus Terminal to Gusudang”. You could take reverse course on your way back. I estimate total transportation time from the Dong Seoul Bus Terminal to Misa 2-Ri Bus Stop as about 5 hours and some more for round trip. But you could reduce this transportation time to 3 hours for round trip in case you use private car or rent car which you could save two hours for the transportation. 

4.     Overall Remarks.

4-1) There are several courses available to reach Yeoniensan Summit. Gusudang course is the shortest and easiest way to climb the Yeoniensan Summit in terms of distance and harness. I took Gusudang course which are still two possible routes referring to the Map of “Gyeonggi Gapyung Yeoniensan Climb Course”, the one starting first through Woojeung Neungseon (Ridge) at Left and returning through Yeonien Neungseon (Ridge) at right and the other reverse course, Yeonien Neungseon first and Woojeung Neungseon second..

4-2) Yeoniensan Legend
One upon a time there was a Gilsu, bachelor living in Yeoniensan for cultivating grains in seasons like spring, summer and autumn and sometimes making chat coal in winter for selling. But nobody knew who was Gilsu and from where. Gilsu fell in love with Sojeung living at Kim Champan, vice minister at local government as servant. Sojeung was not originally at the group of servant level in society but inevitably joining to Kim Champan as a servant since she borrowed some grains from Mr. Kim and could not returned the grains due to poor and bad harvest. She was walking for the compensation of debt grains as a servant works. Gilsu had been visiting Kim’s house for selling char coal several times and saw Sojeung and started to raise love to her time by time. Gilsu fell down on snow road on the way he carrying chat coal to Kim house from Yeoniensan and was by accident treated at Kim House for his hurt by accident and stayed for ten days.

He thought during this treatment and in bed period he should get marry with Sojeung and requested Kim to let him get marry with her. Mr. Kim replied to him as “I accept your marry with Sojeung against paying either 100 Packs of millet, one pack 60 kg or transfer chat coal kiln to me free of charge. You should also leave this village with her as soon as either one case deal”. Gilsu seriously concerned about Kim proposal and final promised he shall pay 100 packs of millet. But he could not have anything and no possibility he could pay 100 packs of millet.      
He came across there was proper bigger area somewhere below summit which he could possibly produce more than millet 100 packs and devoted to develop this land (9 Magigi equivalent to 3000 square m) for millet cultivation day and night. He planted millet at these fields which were grown well and near to harvest. But Mr. Kim in fact did not have truthful mind releasing Sojeung to Gilsu and instead slandered as Gilsu was relatives of rebel family..
Gilsu barely escaped from local policemen suddenly rushed and realized he could no longer live at this village and took a mind to escape this village with Sojeung and tried to see her. She heard Gilsu captured by local policemen under name of rebel crime and gave up her life. Gilsu took her body and return 9 Magigi field and put fire all millet for burning as his hope and jumped into the millet fire.  Sojeung suddenly appeared at that time and moved to 9 Magigi filed. People came Gilsu house next day and found strangely no burning, two pair of shoes and royal azalea..

Royal azalea is still blossoming widely on top of the Yeoniensan (Meaning loving couple). Many loving couple climbed the Yeoniensan and believed their love should be realized and materialized thanks for Gilsu and Sojeung Love story, truthful and based on belief.   

5.     Detailed Course Information

when I came to Gusudang Parking lot around morning 10 o’clock, I checked course Information at the parking lot first and moved up some and found landmark as 6km to the Yeoniensan Summit. I kept walking along side stream under pleasant sound of water running at the stream and reached next landmark saying as 1.7km to Woojeung Gogae (Hill). I passed sign board after 20 minutes walking from the Parking Lot stating as Yeoniensan is under control by the Gyeonggi Province. I somewhat easily walked up until the sign board following valley stream at left so far but different situation, no more hiking road and rocky and slippery road. There was a landmark saying as 4.5km to the summit after another 20 minutes walking on rocky and slippery stone road. When I continued to climb so hard hill, it was difficult to find correct climb road since rock and stone were covered here and there and almost no trace for climb road. It was sometime yellow ribbon or electric manhole were one of tool which I could try to use for correct climb road identification up to Woojeung Gogae (Hill) for about 40 minutes after passing the Sign Board stating as Gyeonggi Province territory. This Woojeung Gogae should be landmark which I shall pass on the way back from the summit touch down. I turned left at the Woojeung Gogae Junction and started to climb on Woojeung Neungseon (Ridge) not only which was comparably slow slope and easy walking soil road but also which was completely different style road from previous so sharp uphill for 600m distance. As I walked on this easy Woojeung Neungseon for 1 and half an hour, I reached Woojeung Bong (Peak). I kept going up with thicker bush clover for about a quarter minutes and reached a heliport where I could so clearly see the summit very closely. I could not see the summit so obviously under normal dust level at air. But it was so good that I could see some mountains around the Yeoniensan Summit today. When I kept walking up for 10 minutes more, I met junction saying as the one to Yeoniensan Summit and the other to Yeonien Neungseon. I moved up to Yeoniensan Summit for 10 minutes more, I finally touch down Yeoniensan Summit (1068m altitude) and took a photo myself beside the Summit Stone and some other mountains, Myunggisan and Wunaksan around the Yeoniensan Summit. When I moved downhill about 10 minutes via junction, I met shelter at right and quickly took a look inside and outside the shelter and confirmed this shelter should be very useful under emergency conditions like heavy storm or snow or any others. I made downhill following landmark saying Yeongchu Water Fall or Seunanri Information instead of Yeoniensan Neungseon or Gusudang since direction is the same as these one. There was stream following downhill road which runs with so clean water and beautiful sound. As I walked down on these road for about 40 minutes, I reached wider forest road with energetic green pine trees and started to do easy walking. I came down on this easy walking forest road some more times and reached three way junction, the one to Yongchoo Water Fall and the other to Woojeung Gogae.  I turned right at this junction and walked up on easy walking forest road for 20 minutes and found landmark saying as 700m to Woojeung Gogae. As I continued to walk up on this road for about 15 minutes, I reached Woojeung Gogae where I shall get down to Gusudang Parking Lot. I kept walking down on steep and sharp sloped hill for about 30 minutes and eventually back to Gusudang Parking Lot after about total seven hours struggling works.    

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