2017년 12월 10일 일요일

Seoul Trail 3-1 Course - Geoduksan

December 6, 2017 10:30 ~14:00. Total distance is 10 km and taking a time 3 and half a  hour including break .

It was 10:30 hour in the morning when I started to walk at Gate 2  at Kwangnaru Station  in Subway Line 5. It was somewhat chilly and winddy but sunny day. I crossed the Kwangnaru Station Junction straightly from exit direction at Gate 2 and turned right after crossing. I walked a block and reached Kwangjin Junction where I was going to take for crossing the Han River. The man made forest at walk way on the bridge was so naturally went well with Han River as well as surrounding view that I could say great, fantastic and breath touch beauty. I believed such a nice forest view should much better if I walk at other green season like Spring and Summer, even at Fall. It is common understanding and image in most people that bridge means concrete made artificial stuff, usually tired of such concrete made stuff.  I walked on the bridge about two third position and found Road Sign(RSN) 9.64 km to the Geoduk Station(GST) where I turn right at the junction. I walked down and passed Kwangjin Bridge Pillar and found the RSN 8.36 km to the GST where walk road and bike road straightly extended alongside Han River. I saw the Walker Hill Hotel at left and felt that hotel was one of best hotel in Korea before but now days they are not so higher group of hotel in Korea.

 I could not remember when I walked at Han River side road, perhaps when was high school times. I walked about one hour and found Ahmsa Tunnel at right and passed the tunnel and left turned at junction as soon as passed the tunnel. I turn right at next junction and walked to Seonsa Junction where I reach Ahmsa Historic Site. I entered into the site and quickly looked around learned this site was the place where people lived at the New Stone Age and artificially recoved their living style like house and life as you see at the photo. I exit the site and turn left and continue to walk to three way juction, RSN 5.22km to GST where Korea and England Foreigner School is. I crossed the juction and keep walking to the three tunnels at RSN 5.07 km and met radio transmission tower after passing third tunnel. Thereafter I walked the junction between the 88 Express Way and Seoul Trail 3-1and climbed over lower hill at Geoduk Mountain. I reached Ahmsa Arisu Filtration Plant at the junction with 88 Express Way as soon as walked down the hill. I climbed up the hill again at RSN 4.12 km to GST after left turn in front of  the Ahmsa Arisu Filtration Plant.       

 I followed the ridge road alongside military fence and found RSN 3.07 km to GST and walked down for a while. I smoothly reached Junction at the RSN 2.64km to GST where Stamp box and simple toilet. I kept to climb up the hill at other side and continued to walk some times and reached RSN 2.03km to the GST. I passed the Vinyl houses and walked up the Arisu Road after turning left at the juction after passing the Vinyl Houses.  There was three way junction at Samteo Geunrin Park where Dongnam Road is exteded to E Mart Junction. I turned left at Samteo Junction and walked four blocks and reached E Mart Junction and turn right and walk about 200 m where I found Gate 3 of Geoduk Station.



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