2022년 4월 7일 목요일

How to Evaluate and Select Local Consumer Goods at the Local Market

 There are provably many factors and/or points which each consumer considers for their selection and/or procurement. We would like review this possible consideration and decide which we should take into consideration for our final determination. We would like to classify some group or category which we could easily or conveniently handle. Then we will review and apply evaluation method to each different group which we could reflect for our final decision.


1.     Category and Grouping

We could make grouping as food stuff group, industrial product group and agriculture product group which should be fundamentally different category. There should be neither same relation nor same applicable regulation at each different group.

1-1)        Food Stuff Group

The Ministry of Food & Drug Safety in Korea is a local controller for safe food and drugs checking from raw material to final products, even logistics stage. There is applicable local regulation or standard for food stuff producers or sellers in Korea. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is FDS’s recommendation for the safe guide line to food stuff control.

1-2)        Industrial Products Group

The Korea Standard Certificate (KSC) and the Korea Certificate (KC) are under control by The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE). It is a principal difference between these two certificates that any producer, not certified by KC could not manufacture and sell their KC designated products to consumers unless they are certified by KC. But any producer, not certified by KS could manufacture and sell their products to consumers without KSC. It is a simple and fundamental difference between two certificates that KC in a legal compulsory while KSC is recommended requirement, no binding.

l  Korea Standard Certificate (KS) is not limited to check and certify Industrial products but extend to evaluate if manufacturing and selling process is in compliance to applicable KS standard. The KS Certificate shall extend to check qualification to company, factory and their products in reference to relevant KS requirement.

l  Korea Certification (KC) is referred to the national standard certification of electrical goods and consumer products which shall be obtained for the enhanced safety of electrical appliances and consumer products.

1-3)        Agriculture Products Group 

The management of agriculture products is under control by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in compliance to applicable local regulations,  new distribution environment and human-centered agricultural policy reform. GAP Certificate (Good Agricultural Practices) is one of safety proved agriculture certificate which is under MAFRA’s hazard analysis critical control for hazard elements (total 110 different items) like agricultural chemicals, harmful heavy metal, microorganism and so on from farming stage to packing and distribution stage. There are other certificate that MAFRA controls the Organic Mark and the Non Pesticide mark for farmer’s agricultural products. Authority nominated by the MAFRA is strictly checking and inspecting agricultural products in accordance with applicable standard whether farmer is using any chemical or minimal chemical use. This control is playing a role for proving a qualified and safe agricultural product.

2.     Assessment and Final Determination

There are provably many various points other than following three categories which each personnel would consider for their assessment and decision of consumer goods. But I would like to summarize these points as three different category group as below which allocate maximum point on each category out of total 100 points. Each obtained point could calculate as per each group referring to individual’s assessment and evaluate on consumer goods and make total score accumulating each obtained score at each group or category.     

2-1) Commercial Points (Maximum Point as 50 Point)  

Price should be first factor which we usually consider along with performance, delivery, service and references. When you accumulate subtotal point at each group, you should take into account these factors.   

2-2) Quality and Safety Points (Maximum Point as 40 Point)

Quality and safety is also important factors which we should consider for final conclusion and decision. Relevant certificates are briefly described according to above standard and safety.

2-3) External Appearance and Other Points (Maximum Point as 10 Point)

There are other factors which we should consider for final decision or conclusion like good design, attractive color, easy and handy design and etc.

3.     Final Determination and Conclusion

We could now calculate final obtained point to each interesting item referring to each obtained score according to each group and take final determination, buy or not depend on final obtained score. It is my practices I could buy any consumer goods gaining more than 80 point. If any consumer goods gaining less than 50 points, I shall not consider buying this item any more.

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