2022년 4월 13일 수요일

Anyangcheon Creek Walking Trek Course 2, Branch of Hangang River in Seoul from the Doksan Station to Anyang Station in Seoul Metro Line 1

1.     Preface

Anyangcheon Creek is one major branch of Hangang River in Seoul which is starting flowing down from Kwangkyosan Mountain in Uiwang City in Kyeonggi Province and passing 7 cities in Kyeonggi Province and 7 districts in Seoul and eventually joining at Mokdong River Junction. Total flowing distance is estimating as 32.5 km which is comparably longer among other creeks in Korea. Anyhow I will arrange to trek Anyangcheon Creek Walking Trek (ACWT) from Sinmokdong Station in Seoul Metro Line 9 and Geunpo Station in Seoul Metro Line 1 which is divided into 3 different Courses, total distance as 36 km and total walking hours as 12 hours as see at the ACWT Course Table attached. Each course is arranging with about 12 ~13 km distance and 4 hours walking including one hour break and starting from near subway station and finishing at designated subway station. Please see more details to Attached Table.

2.     Course Guide Information

Anyangcheon Creek Walking Trek Course 2 is starting from the Doksan Station to the Anyang Station in Seoul Metro Line 1 as about 13 km distance walking alongside Anyangcheon Creek for about 4 hours including 1 hour break during the Course. We will take Anyangcheon East Course where Doksan Station is. Please see followings are summary and overall observation of the ACWT Course 2 linked to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3mm7FDYtVQ. .

2-1) Starting the Doksan Station, Gate 2 in Seoul Metro Line No 1 as see at Photo 1.

2-2) Cross the Doksan Station Junction and Move Forward the Geumcheonkyo Bridge as see at Photo 2.

2-3) Walk toward Middle of the Geumcheonkyo Bridge and Turn Left at the Bridge Junction as see at Photo 3.

2-4) Walk Down to the Bank Road Fully Blossomed with Cherry through the Ramp connecting with Bridge as see at Photo 4

2-5) Walk Down to Anyangcheon Creek Walking Trek Course 2 from the Bank Road as see at Photo 5.

2-6) Join the ACWT Course 2 and Move Upstream. Children’s Playing Park at Left as see at the Photo 6. .

2-7) Meet the Sign Stating 500m to the Yangcheonkyo Bridge as see at the Photo 7.

2-8) Pass the Yangcheonkyo, 1st One at the ACWT Course 1 as see at the Photo 8.

2-9) Pass the Doksan Walking Bridge, 2nd One at the ACWT Course 2 stating 500m to the Siheung Daekyo Bridge, Next One as see at the Photo 9..

2-10) Meet the Sign Stating 400M to the Siheung Daekyo Bridge as see at the Photo 10.

2-11) Pass the Siheung Daekyo Bridge Junction, 3rd One at the ACWT Course 2 and Seoul Metro Line 1 at Left as see at the Photo 11.

2-12) Bike Rest Area and Bike Practice Area Just after Siheung Daekyo Bridge as see at the Photo 12.

2-13) Nice View of Siheung Apartment Complex Crossing over the Anyangcheon Creek as see at the Phot 13.

2-14) The Geumcheon Hannae Rose Garden as see at the Photo 14.

2-15) The Geumcheon Hannae Rose Garden Again as see at the Photo 15.

2-16) Pass the Stepping Stone Bridge as see at the Photo 16..

2-17) Pass the Sign Stating as 1.1 Km to Kia Daekyo Bight as see at the Photo 17.

2-18) Keep Walking alongside Seoul Metro Line 1 at Left as see at the Photo 18.

2-19) Pass the Interchange Bridge as see at Photo 20.

2-20) Pass the Kia Daekyo, 4th One at ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 21 which is under the Interchange Bridge

2-21). Pass the Only One Junction with Car at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Phot 29. Be Careful.

2-22) Pass the Swamp Park with Several Ponds as see at the Photo 26.

2-23) Walk alongside the Fully Blossomed with Cherry Trees as see at the Photo 31.

2-24) Pass the Whachankyo Bridge , 5th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 33.

2-25) Pass the Stepping Stone Bridge before Choonghoon Daekyo Bridge as see at the Photo 35.

2-26) Pass the Choonghoon Daekyo Bridge, 6th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 36.

2-27) Pass the Choonghoon 2nd Bridge, 7th One at the WCWT Course 2 as see at Photo 38

2-28) Pass the Choonghoon 1st Bridge, 7th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 41.

2-29) Pass the Bakseokkyo Bridge, 8th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 42.

2-30) Pass the Anyang Daekyo Bridge, 9th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 43.

2-31) Pass the Stepping Stone Bridge again before the Anyangkyo Bridge as see at the Photo 45.

2-32) Pass the Anyangkyo Bridge, 10th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 46.

2-33) Pass the Yangmyeongkyo Bridge, 11th One at the ACWT Course 2 as see at the Photo 52.

2-34) Pass the Walking Bridge to Anil Elementary School as see at the Photo 53.

2-35) Turn Right at the Anil Elementary School as see at the Photo 54. 

2-36) Turn Left at the Anil Elementary School Junction as see at the Phot 55.

2-37) Turn Left again at the Next Junction and Move to Anyang Station as see at the Photo 56.

2-38) Find the Gate 3 at Anyang Station after Moving about 400M from previous Junction as see at the Photo 57.

3.     Historic and Background Information

There are several places or spot where some cultural and historic background and which you may feel interest or useful for your better understanding. Please refer followings to brief explanation.

3-1) Doksan Station

Doksan Station is relation with area name at the Station which means Baldhead Mountain. There were mountains around Doksan Dong area which looks like baldhead since almost no trees on the peak area. There were trees at the mountains before but people’s illegal cutting and anima’s eating or damaging provably lose or poor control by the government in Seoul, somewhat far distance from central government in Seoul.

3-2) Yangcheonkyo Bridge

Yangcheonkyo Bridge means in relation with bridge area name which means two river or creeks are joining together and always swamp due to this reason. Most swamp area except few present swamp area were modernly developed for massive infrastructures like apartment complex, road or street, commercial buildings and so on. It is hard to see previous natural swamps features around Yangcheon Area. 

            3-3) Siheung Daekyo Bridge

            Siheung was firstly appeared its locally area name on official record in year 0991, King                         Seongjong assigned area name as Siheung which means sprawling or rise or lead. This name                 was changed by King Taejong in Joseon Dynasty in 1413 as Geumcheon. But people still used             old area name as Siheung which is presently calling.

            3-4) Choonghoon Bridge

            Choonghoonbu was a department which was assigned to mainly take care of meritorious royalty             services which own government land around Kwangmyeong City and take care of these                         government lands for the royalty services. They subcontracted appropriate land with local                     appointed farmers for Shared Corp, farming at contracted land against shared portion at harvest             stage like ??%. Local living people were later growing around this area time by time. Therefore             they put this department name as an official area name which is still calling as it is.

3-5) Anil Elementary School

Name of Anil Elementary School was originated from the meaning as only think easement everlasting forever which could completely escape from present reality and which ultimately means relieved first but not so simply and easily treated.

Nice View of Cherry Blossom at Anyangcheon Creek Bank

Summary Map of Anyangcheon Creek Trek 2

Summary of Anyangcheon Creek Trek

Doksan Station, Gate 2

Geumcheonkyo Bridge

Anyangcheon Creek Bank Road with Cherry Blossom

Walk ACWT Course 2

Yangcheonkyo Bridge

Doksan Walking Bridge

Siheung Daekyo Bridge

Geumcheon Hannae Rose Garden

Single White Heron

Kia Daekyo

Beautiful Wild Flower

Anyangcheon Creek Swamp Park

Unique Junction with Car Pass

Fully Blossomed Cheery -Anyangcheon Creek

Fully Blossomed Cherry on the Anyangcheon Bank  Road

Neat Ponds with Varicose Water Plant

Stepping Stone Bridge at Anyangcheon Creek

Choonghoon Bridge

Bakseokkyo Bridge

Kwangmyeong Daekyo Bridge

Anyangkyo Bridge

Yangmyeongkyo Bridge

Anil Elementary School

Gate 3 at Anyang Station

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