2019년 1월 13일 일요일

Korean’s Leisure Life – Good Rest is also Competition. But How To Do? - Information

Mr. K , 48 years old has Sept most weekend for watching TV which is not only less expensive but also interesting and enjoyable missing TV program at passing week days. Whenever he watched TV program relating with outdoor event or issues, he used to raise sudden mind moving somewhere at any moment and felt sorry for his family since these kinds of outdoor relating TV program getting more and more now days.
1.     TV Watching is the Most Joyful
“TV Watch and Radio Listening” (45.6% Answers) were listed among 10 high common categories of Korean spending leisure times and positioning as a top group at the question about how you spend your leisure life at present which KCTI (Korea Culture and Tourism Institute) made a pole to Koreans in 2012. Other remaining groups were as “Internet Surfing and chatting” (7.2%) and walking (6.2%) and other answers were negligible.
Expert and Consultant noticed “Less active and passive style leisure life looks high degree satisfactory in short term. But this kind leisure life should not last long effective and decreasing effect. It is common trend and situation regardless advanced country or underdevelopment country that most people rather stay and spend their leisure times with less active and passive style under economy recession. They know active and positive leisure life is better than less active and passive leisure life. But they could not afford to spend this extra money at their [pocket”.
Next group were “Watch Movie” (41.4%) answering to to question about what you would like to do when you have leisure times and “Overseas Travel” (31.4%) and “Watch Sport Game” (18.7%).
Average leisure times to people above 15 years old was 3.3 hours per week day and 5.1 hours per holiday in 2012. This average leisure times was 4 hours per week day and 7 hours per holiday in 2010 which was decreasing 0.7 hours per week days and 1.9 hours per holiday respectively. If we review economic situation, Average leisure expense was KRW 168,000 per month in 2010 and KRW125,000 per month in 2012 which was reducing KRW 43,000.
2.     Learn How to Spend Leisure Times and to Play
KCTI said “We have seen many cases experience at younger times would later affect leisure life at middle age. Present younger people have been involving positive and active leisure times like particular program after school different from old generation. This activity would teach or educate how they spend leisure times when they grow adult”. If you look at practical situation to student, most student could not spare suitable leisure time due to tightly scheduled daily program like going to personal tuition after school. Some student may have an opportunity to spend their leisure time for music, sport and art activity. But these activity is not true leisure activity rather relating to their learning or practice of art and sport subject. Therefore most students have been forgetting real leisure time during their school period.
If someone would like to enjoy true and active leisure life, they should practice how to enjoy the leisure time for certain times. For example, anybody has enjoyed sky at high class zone who has done or spent long time for sky practice and more realistically feel joyful and satisfaction. While anybody has been practicing skiing at lower and entrée zone, they would not enjoy skiing like skier playing at high class level. That is why people should learn about how to spend leisure time while they are young, earlier better. This trend should play an important role to boost or upgrade the country in future.
3.     Voluntary Service is also Good for Leisure Life
Professor at University said “voluntary service is also a good leisure life calling as social leisure”. But only 11.9% answered to question about voluntary service experience at pole in 2012. More than half, 57.3% were replied as they spent their leisure times at Community Chest Drive. Retired personnel is the most ideal for voluntary service works relating with their long time experience works like doctor, teacher, athlete and etc. which are widely spread here and there.    
4.     Basic Law of Leisure
The Basic Law of Leisure was referenced to the fact that Koreans are working the longest but lowest happiness among OECD member. Five days works have been practically settled at society. But this is a present situation as leisure at youth is not considered and senor leisure is properly not cared nationwide. We believe this situation should be changed and improved soon in reference to “the Basic Law of Leisure”
Personal Tuition after School

Skiing at High Level Course

Social Leisure Life

Walking at Forest

Watching TV

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