2019년 1월 15일 화요일

Korea Student’s Life Satisfaction is Lowest While Their Academic Achievement is Highest among OCED Members / 2015 Pisa Report - Information

This summary has been made referring to 2015 PISA Student Well-being Report which was made with worldwide 540,000 students above 15 years old and based on remarks as Perfect is 10 point and Nothing is 0 point. Korea Students were recorded as 6.36 point which was ranking 27, 2nd lowest and just above Turkey among 28 OECD members. They were at the same rake among 48 countries, non OECD members as 47th rank just above Turkey like above. On the other and top groups were swept by European countries like Finland, Iceland, Swiss and so on.          

1.       Korea Student’s Academic Achievement is Highest but their Life Satisfaction Lower.
Korea Student’s academic achievement is top level but their life satisfaction lowest among OECD members. They are starting private tuition at the earliest age and longest studding times while physical exercise and talking about their life with parent is lowest at bottom.
Korea student’s academic achievement was recorded as Reading and writing as 3 ~ 8th, Mathematics 1st ~ 4th, Science 5th ~ 8th which was the highest level or group. But their life satisfaction is lowest level which was unbalance between student study performance and their life satisfaction. But students at European countries were well balancing between these objects, Student performance and their life satisfaction like Finland, Netherland, Swiss and etc.
2. Surprisingly 82% Korea Student want Top at Their Class While 75% at Grade Stress
It was turned out at the Report most Korea students strongly want top at class who want to catch best academic achievement. These kinds of students were 80% which much higher than OECD average, 59%. They were also highly concerning about their study grade, bad result which was recorded as 75% against OECD average, 66%.
3.      Longest Studding Time  
Korea student’s studding time is longest in and out school. 23.2% of Korea Students answered as to the question about 60 hours study per week as “Yes” which is much higher than OECD average, 13.3% and almost double. Korea students were normally starting to take private tuition at earliest 9 years old after school which is 11 years old at OECD average age. It was known as latest age was 13 years old in Iceland. Korea students, 9.7% answered to questions about the reason why they take extra private tuition as their interest while 52.2 % students were answered the reason as for upgrading their study performance grade which was slightly more than half.      

It turned out that longer study time became commonly and normally as decreasing academic achievement at the average OECD. But it strangely and uniquely turned out in Korea that students studding longer were high level at bot, study achievement as well as life satisfaction. For example, Korea students studding more than 60 hours a week were recorded as 6.6 point at question about life satisfaction which is 0.3 point higher than the 6.3 point at the students studding less than 40 hours a week.
One of Pisa said “It is normal that lower grading students are taking extra tuition after school. But higher grading students are somewhat strangely taking extra tuition after the school in Korea. Therefore they could obtain and reach higher grade result against compensation to longer and harder study and accordingly receive parent’s praise and teacher’s attention and eventually are satisfied to their life

            4.      Lowest and Poor Level Physical Exercise  

Korea students were normally less physical exercise lowest level among OECD members. Only 46.3% Korea students were exercising after or before the school which means more than half Korea students were not exercising at all and lowest and bottom of OECD members. Korea students, 19.8% answered to the question if they have been exercising more than 60 minutes as “No” which means one student out of five students as No exercise and which were at bottom level just less than Japan, 26.9%.
5. Only 54% Parent Dialogue with Students Almost Every Day.
Koran student’s dialogue time with their parent was comparably less than other student at OECD members. Korea parents, 33% answered to the question if they every day dialogue with their children as “Yes” and almost every day as 53.7% which is still less than half.

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