2022년 5월 1일 일요일

Namyangju Walking Trek Course 4 Along with Bike Road from the Yangpyeong Station to the Wondeok Station in the Gyeonguei Jungang Train Line in Namyangju City in the Gyeonggi Province in Korea

1.     Preface

The Namyangju Walking Trek Course along with Bike Road was renovated with old abandoned narrow gauge rail course and reopened in 2011 as a nice Walking Trek Course exclusive for the bike and person. This Course is linked with Dasan Walking Trek Course from Paldang Station to Woongilsan Station in Gyeonguei Jungang Train Line. Therefore I rearranged the Dasan Course to the Namyangju Walking Trek Course 1 as see at the Namyangju Walking Trek Course Table attached below. In this regards, total Namyangju Walking Trek Course turned eventually out as 57 Km and 17 walking hours including 4 hours break.  

Hut Surrounding with Willow Trees at Namhangang River

Namyangju Walking Trek Course 4 Table

2.     Course Guide Information

Namyangju Walking Trek (NYWT) Course 4 is starting from the Yangpyeong Station to the Wondeok Station in the Gyeonguei Jungang Train Line (GJTL) as about 13 km distance walking alongside Bike Road for about 4 hours including 1 hour break during the Course. We cross the Road in front of the Station as soon as exit Gate 1 at the Yangpyeong Station and cross the Three Way Junction and keep walking toward the Brook Junction for about 5 minutes as see at the Photo 1 through 5. Thereafter please carry on walking through shopping and market area until the Yanggeun Constabulary Junction for about 10 minutes as see at the Photo 6 to 7. Please turn left at the Constabulary Junction to walk to the Yanggeun Sageuri Junction (for way junction) and move toward the NYWT Course 4 for about 5 minutes as see at the Photo forward 8 through 11. Thereafter you keep continuously walking alongside with Bukhangang River until Hyundeokgyeo Bridge Junction as see at the Photo 0, 12 through 42 for about 2 hours. Please turn left at this junction and keeps walking along with Heukcheon Creek until the Gongseri Village for about one hour as see at the Photo 43 through 57. Thereafter you walk toward the Wondeok Station via Wondeokri Town for about 20 minutes as see at the Photo 58 through 69. Please refer to the NYWT Course 4 Map and linked to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k_6oNceHv4 

Namyangju Walking Trek Course 4 Map

3.     Historic and Background Information

There are several places or spot where some cultural and historic background and which you may feel interest or useful for your better understanding. Please refer followings to brief explanation.

3-1) Heukcheon Creek   

There are several legends the reason why they call Heukcheon as this creek. We would like to summarize two mostly understandable legends; The one is black color river temporarily flowing at this creek under exceptionally heavy flood in 1925 and thereafter calling as Heukcheon Creek. The other is many black rock or stone under Heukcheon Creek flowing at Geowunae Village which people are calling as Black Creek in this regards. Anyhow Heukcheon Creek was originated at Jeongwunmyeon Town and continuously flowing down to the Namhangang River via 6 different towns out of total 12 Myeon Towns under Yangpyeong Gun District      

3-2) Wondeokri

            Wondeokri Village was originally belongs to the Yanggeun Gun District and Dongjeong Myeo                 Town which was shifted to Yangpyeong Gun District in 1908. This Wondeokri was newly                     created name of this village which was referred to two villages, Wondanri Village and                             Deokamri Village in relation with the Administration Reorganization Project in 1988. 

Gate 1 a the Yangpyeong Station

Yanggeun Constabulary Junction

Join the Namyangju Walking Trek Course 4

Yangpyeonggyeo Bridge

Galsan Park

Yangpyeong Willow Trees Path at Hangang River Shore

Hyundeokgyeo Bridge

Hyundeokgyeo Bridge Junction

Wondeokgyeo Bridge

Wondeok Elementary School

Wondeok Station

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