2018년 8월 4일 토요일

The Koreans by Michael Breen - Information

 Michael Breen, British has lived in Korea for about 15 years since 1982 as representatives at Washington Times Seoul and wrote the Koreans stating following 30 comments. He said there are many disadvantageous problems like corruption, impetuous and political party strife while also many other great advantages. I wonder how and where he could get some relevant information to some his comments. Anyway if you like to see more details at this book, please check https://books.google.co.kr/books/about/The_Koreans.html?id=tGiZMYAKIVkC&redir_esc=y.

1. Unique country keeping national average IQ 105 or more in the world.
2. Longest working hours at 2nd ranking and also longest playing hours at 3rd in the World which means less sleeping people?
3. Unique country keeping less than 1% illiterate in the World.
4. One country among eight countries which could persist the war against America more than 3 days.
5. One unique country divided with North Korea and ceasefire stage in the World.
6. One among five countries providing reserved seat for the old and the infirm.
7. A country looking down on Japan, 2nd economic country and treating them as dirt at their toe.
8. Unique country having Ministry of Woman in the Worl.
9. Exceptionally fast growing of music in the World.
10. Ranking 1st at Subway Evaluation in the World in terms of convenience and cleanness.
11. Ranking No 4 on the Volunteer Service List in the World.
12. Korean letter providing to no letter countries through UN (Presently 3 countries using Korean letter as their national letter).
13. Surprisingly short time graduation of IMF Conrol in the World.
14. Ranking no 1 at the Beautiful Lady Country by the European Statistics.
15. Country having 30 LPGA players among 100 total players in U.S.A.
16. A country having One (Seoul) World Giant City among 8 Giant World Cities.
17. A country looking down four strong countries in the World as no particular importance.
18. A country providing the fast internet and convenient TV service in the World.
19. A country having own letter expressing the most variety pronunciation in letter. Total 24 letter (consonant 14, vowel 10) could express 11,000 sounds while Japanese 300 and Chinese 400.
20. Almost sweeping out honor students at worldwide reputed university, 2nd Israel and 3rd Germany.
21. Korean is only possible country not only which could make the Jews looks lazy but also which is critical style and well equipped with wide relevant professional information.
22. A folk having the strongest mental energy who used to say as putting guy word to stronger nations like American, Japanese, Chinese and Russians.
23. While they do not put guy to weak countries like African, Indonesian, and Vietnamese.
24. Negative and positive energy prevailing at mountain and river in Korea which could inevitably make stronger collision. Any species living and boning at these area should take these strong mental energy by nature.  
25. The most beautiful azalea in Korea among three counties, China, Japan and Korea. Quality of ginseng and taste of water in Korea are also the best among these three countries.  
26. Korea meat is the best meat and Korea pheasant the most colorful and beautiful in the World.
27. Korean is one of strongest folk having strong mental energy in the World.
28. Chinese used to call them as gentleman by themselves referring to vast country, endless desert, and wide plateau. It might look Chinese boring at these vast country would be generous and strong mind. But their mental energy is less than Koreran in fact. Please see followings are explainable example. Japanese established Manju country in 1932 in China which was governing the country for 13 years and killed 32 million Chinese like Nanjing Slot. But no Chinese was tried to kill Japanese high officials. While Koreans were killed by Japanese as 32 thousand people during the same period which was about 1/1000 of Chinese case. But Patriot Ahn Jung Guen killed Japanese Prime Minister, Ito Hirobui at Harbin Station in China and Patriot Youn Bonggil also killed Japanese Mr. Siragawa General and others at Shanghai in 1932. There were many other Japanese were killed by Korean later on.
29. Mental energy between Korean and Chinese are fundamentally different, Chinese collecting mental energy from widely spread area, widely distributed to many area while Korean collecting concentrated mental energy at small mountain and river, focusing mental energy. Korean should be mentally strong energy originated from their nature, strong focussing at one point, no dispersing. .
30. Koreans used to bench marking to Steel Mill in Pakistan or went abroad to Philippine for studding in 1950 right after independent from Japan. But what happen nowadays Filipinos and Pakistanis are in opposite coming to Korea for studding and bench marking which was 2 or 3rd economy country from bottom and now looking for world 10th economic position.
Some Korean are concerning about possible case Chinese take over Korean position in economy. Please don't be scare Chinese because Korean mental energy is principally different. Title of strong IT country to Korea is not so simply taken to anybody so simply and easily. There is periodical boosting terms to Korea which have come to Korea with 180 years interval. This is right time which comes to Korea at any moment now. There are many barometers or statistics showing negative recently in Korea.  But please don’t be afraid. Koreans are not the same folk characters like Filipino, Argentina and Helenian who have not taken any action until their economy tumbling down to end, almost no recovery. Koreans shall not let Korea economy falling down to end like that.  

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